Tuesday, June 8, 2010


CURB-65, also known as the CURB criteria, is a clinical prediction rule that has been validated for predicting mortality in community-acquired pneumonia and infection of any site. The CURB-65 is based on the earlier CURB score and is recommended by the British Thoracic Society for the assessment of severity of pneumonia.

The score is an acronym for each of the risk factors measured. Each risk factor scores one point, for a maximum score of 5:

* Confusion of new onset (defined as an AMT of 8 or less)
* Urea greater than 7 mmol/l (Blood Urea Nitrogen > 19)
* Respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute or greater
* Blood pressure less than 90 mmHg systolic or diastolic blood pressure 60 mmHg or less
* age 65 or older

The risk of death increases as the score increases:

* 0—0.7%
* 1—3.2%
* 2—13.0%
* 3—17.0%
* 4—41.5%
* 5—57.0%

The CURB-65 has been compared to the pneumonia severity index in predicting mortality from pneumonia.

It is used as a means of deciding the action that is needed to be taken for that patient. 0-1 treat as an outpatient 2 consider a short stay in hospital or watch very closely as an outpatient 3-5 requires hospitalization with consideration as to whether they need to be in the intensive care unit
[edit] Any infection

A cohort study of patients with any type of infection (half of the patients had pneumonia), the risk of death increases as the score increases:

* 0 to 1 <5% mortality
* 2 to 3 < 10% mortality
* 4 to 5 15-30% mortality


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