Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Rule of SIX in Drug Dosing and Infusion


Supposed as a junior medical officer, you want to start dopamine infusion for a patient in hypovolemic shock (with persistent low BP despite adequate fluid resuscitation). You look up at the drug formulary (just to counter-check) and it states that the dosage for dopamine is "5 mcg/kg/min, increasing gradually using 5-10 mcg/kg/min increments......". Most drug formularies will list dopamine dosages in the form of xxx mcg/kg/min.

So, you decide to start the patient on 10 mcg/kg/min. You remember well what you were taught in med school: dopamine infusion in the range 3 - 5 mcg/kg/min is predominantly for its dopaminergic effect (dopaminergic receptors are present abundantly in the mesenteric vasculature, brain, heart and the kidneys); dosing range from 5 - 10 mcg/kg/min is predominantly for its beta effects and dosage ranges above 10mcg/kg/min up to 20 mcg/kg/min is for its alpha effects.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Emergency Fluid Therapy

Emergency Fluid Therapy - Presentation Transcript

1. Fluid Therapy in Emergency Care Dr. Rashidi Ahmad Medical Lecturer/emergentist School Of Medical Sciences USM Health Campus Kelantan 2 nd Regional Fluid Transfusion Workshop 10 February 2007
2. Outline
* Introduction
* Volume therapy in hemorrhagic shock
o Crystalloid versus colloid
o Hypertonic saline/Small volume resuscitation
o Blood
* Fluid therapy – when? How much?
* Fluid therapy in septic shock
* Endpoint of resuscitation
3. “ The Neglected Disease of Modern Society” Trunkey, DD
4. Trauma Chain of survival Fluid therapy is a part of the factors…
5. Polytrauma?
* A syndrome of combined injuries with ISS > 17 & consequent SIRS for at least 1 day, leading to dysfunction, or failure, of remore organs & vital systems, which themselves had not directly been injured.
Marius Keel et al. Pathophysiology of trauma. Injury (2005) 36, 691-71
6. O2 flux = [ C.O X Hb X SaO2 X k] + [ C.O X PaO2 x 0.003] Principle of fluid therapy in Emergency care


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