Friday, May 28, 2010


It is the term applied to the pressure of CSF with in the cranium.


Normal intracranial pressure in adults is 8 to 18mm Hg and in babies the pressure is 10-20mm less when measured through a lumbar puncture. ICP is not a static state, but one that is influenced by several factors. The recording of ICP shows 2 forms of pressure fluctuations. There is a rise with cardiac systole (due to distention of intracranial arteriolar tree which follows ) and a slower change in pressure with respiration, falling with each inspiration and rising with expiration. Straining, compression of neck veins can also cause sudden, considerable rise in pressure. The conception of the cranium acting as a near rigid container of virtually incompressible substances in the form of brain, blood & CSF in known as the Monro Kellie doctrine. CSF can be displaced through the foramen magnum into spinal theca.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

MANTRELS score of 10

MANTRELS score of 10 is a score that use for help diagnosis acute appendicitis.

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